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Digital Activism & Success Strategies for Non-Profits
Digital Activism & Success Strategies for Non-Profits vtube 2 Visualizações • 2 meses atrás

Many Non-Profit organizations around the globe aim to influence social change and improve communities. A method these activists can use to help educate others about their message, mobilize their communities and cause social change is digital activism.

Digital Activism uses digital communication tools to achieve goals of social change. Successful social change campaigns often incorporate creativity and interactivity with a meaningful message for the community.

Let's explore successful strategies for digital activists:
1. Have goals and assess outcomes. Organizations must develop a strategy to achieve their goals, conduct research and assess the outcomes of the campaign efforts to succeed in their digital activism campaign.

2. Provide incentives to bring supporters in & give them a reason to stay. Consider the user's experience and play with digital tools & social media to make communication personal and meaningful.

3. Reinforce traditional means of activism.

4. Mobilize & inspire your followers. Communicating the organization's message and inspiring your followers to mobilize behind that message is by far the most important element of a digital activism campaign.

Clearly, digital activists face many challenges including, but not limited to: Internet user passivity, authenticity, online security, and information overload. These are all very real hurdles activists face, but they are not impossible to overcome.

Understand that your successful digital activism campaign will be comprised of personal sacrifice, great discomfort & wonderful learning opportunities. You will also need brilliant creative thinking to light the fire of social change.

Gladwell, Malcolm. "Twitter, Facebook, and social activism : The New Yorker", NewYorker.com, October 4, 2010.

Lopez, Suzanne. Personal Communication, November 13, 2011. Suzannelopez.com

Schneider, Lee. "Occupy Wall Street and Digital Activism 3.0." HuffingtonPost.com, November 13, 2011. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/....lee-schneider/occupy

Shirky, Clay. "YouTube - ‪PdF 2010 | Clay Shirky: Rethinking Representation‬‬‬‬‬‏." YouTube.com, June 11, 2010. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P2GyPniW2eM.

Stein, Laura. "Environmental website production: a structuration approach." Media, Culture & Society 33, no. 3 (April 1, 2011): 363 -384.

York, Jillian. "The False Poles of Digital and Traditional Activism." JillianCYork.com, November 13, 2011. http://jilliancyork.com/2010/0....9/27/the-false-poles

Non Profit Organization Fundraising Activism how to help
Non Profit Organization Fundraising Activism how to help vtube 2 Visualizações • 2 meses atrás

http://www.Benefitall.org PSA Public Service Announcement. Business Support. Holiday Season. Decemeber 18th, 2010. Come to Angels Stadium in Anaheim. You can donate items, food, clothing. Help us help others. Entertainment for all. Children Youth Area. Ten weddings will be performed as a donation from corporate and business sponsors. World premiere of Art. Christmas Trees for needy families. Business and Non Profits come for a day of joy and giving. Southern California. Orange County Ca. Event. Care and Progress and education through respect. Holiday cheer. benefit all, benefitall

Asking Hard Questions as a Non-Profit Organization | Gordon Decker | TEDxRapidCity
Asking Hard Questions as a Non-Profit Organization | Gordon Decker | TEDxRapidCity vtube 3 Visualizações • 2 meses atrás

When looking at Non-profits and where they fit into a community, the importance of planning and evaluation can not be overstated. Nonprofits serve the community in many different ways and have many different stakeholders. Stakeholders being anyone involved in the nonprofit or being affected by the nonprofit. Planning and evaluation allows the stakeholders to know the Non-profit is working to be a good steward of the resources they are working with and the services they provide. Planning and evaluation also allows the nonprofit to pivot accordingly when situations change, and it ensures the nonprofit is being accountable to it stakeholders. Gordon Decker is a 20-year law enforcement veteran and 12-year Army National Guard veteran. He holds a Masters Science in Administration with an emphasis in Organizational Leadership from the University of South Dakota and has more than 8 years of experience working with non-profits of various sizes and at different levels of responsibility. He currently owns his own business and was previously a product manager for a software company. Gordon has been married 14 years and has two children (9 and 12 year old boys). He prides himself on being a lifelong learner, passionate about growth and development personally, professionally, and as a community. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx

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